Saturday, February 13, 2010

Naked Run

Here is a pic of me after my 12-miler. Of course, Nikko was at my side. It was about 20 degrees, so I had on cold gear, tec shirt, fleece on top and cold gear and wind pants on the bottom! You can alse see a sneak peak at the basement. Aaron doesn't want me to post pictures until all the finishing touches are completed, but you can see a glimpse of it!

As for the title....Get your heads out of the gutter! I ran without my Garmin today. Definitely not by choice though. I went to fire it up, and it started flashing "low battery." Was i annoyed! I had it charging since last night. I am not sure if I just didn't have it in the charger correctly, or if it is really dying. It was so weird to run without it. I ran my West Pittston route, and I think I was pretty close to 12 miles. I tried to remember where exactly to turn around at the 6 mile mark, but I may have been slightly off. In fact, I hope I ran longer, because if not, my time really sucked. It took be about 1 hour and 50 minutes. Granted, I was jumping around snow piles and icy spots, but that is SLOW for me! Oh well, it was kind of nice not to stress about pace. I capped off a 39 mile week, and now the REALLY hard stuff starts!

My knees bothered me a little bit today too. First, I felt my left IT band, then towards the end of the run, my right IT band started to hurt. I am not sure if it is in my head or not. I am analyzing every little thing my body feels. I am just so worried about getting injured this close to Boston. I have a tough week of running ahead of me, so if it continues to hurt, off to the chiropractor for ART I go!

Aaron wants to go skiing tomorrow, and I really don't want to. Again, I am afraid of getting hurt. It is so easy to tweak a knee while skiing, I just don't want to take the chance. It would be one thing, if we could just go and ski leisurely, but with Aaron, that definitely won't happen. He is a free-style skier, and loves to drag me along with him, despite my lack of skills. I can hold my own, but I am no match for him! I guess we will see.

Here is my week 10 schedule:
Monday: 4 miles (last week of 4s)
Tuesday: 9 miles
Wednesday: 6 x hill (probably 4.5-5 miles)
Friday: 9 miles pace
Saturday: 19 (Yikes!)
Total: 46 miles


  1. As always... I'm in awe. I need to run 4 tomorrow and 6 on Monday and I am nervous about that! Good for you!

  2. Don't be in awe! I have been running much longer than took me a long time to get to this level! Every time I go "long," I get very nervous. You will be fine, and you will feel great when you are finished!
