Sunday, February 21, 2010

19 miler update

Well, running 19 miles definitely takes a toll on my body. The verdict is....major chafing and some bruised toes! I am annoyed because I used Body Glide and I still chafed underneath my sports bra. I didn't even realize it until I took a shower, which if you ever chafed there, you know the pain I felt! So now, I am using neosporin in hopes that it clears up before some of my longer runs this week. As for the toes, this is usual for me. I have yet to lose a toe nail, but they often get bruised despite buying my shoes a half size larger.

The rest of my body was more tired than sore this morning, and now, I feel pretty much back to normal. This is important because I ran that long run kinda fast, so I need to pay attention to my recovery time. The fact that I have no lingering soreness is a good sign of my fitness! It is a relief! Normally, I take an ice bath after a hard long run, but not in February!

And, I must say...I am dreading this week. No matter how many times I run 20-milers, they still scare me. I keep telling myself "3 more hard weeks." It's hard to believe, but with the cutback weeks and taper, that is all that is left. The foam roller will be my best friend in the meantime!

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