Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Family Affair

I had two amazing runs in the last two day! Yesterday, I didn't have work. It was a make-up snow day that we didn't use yet, so we had it off (stupid, I know, it's only january!). I headed out for a 7-miler. It wasn't a pace run, just an easy run. The sun was out, it was about 35 degrees and I finished in an hour! It ended up being 8:33 pace...almost MP! I ran to the other side of the Market St. Bridge and back.

Today, I had 14 on the schedule. It was about 35 degrees at the start, so I wore my Under Armour shirt (not cold gear) and a tech shirt with my vest. On my legs, I wore my Nike tights. I also wore my gloves and a headband. It was the perfect outfit! I probably could have lost the gloves and headband towards the end, but for the most part, I was fine. The run was great. I felt really strong and ran a quick pace without even trying. I ended up back at my house with 3 miles to go, so I just pretty much ran around Forty Fort to finish. No matter how hard I try to stretch the run out, unless I go the Wyoming/West Pittston route, I have a really hard time getting miles in. I ran through Wilkes and my old apartment, plus I did the whole square thing. I even hit the Pierce St. Bridge and Rutter Ave (which I had been avoiding lately, since I was sick of it). I did a lap in Kirby Park, including the levee, and I still ended up at 11 miles! This is how I don't know how people run without a Garmin. It is so nice to just run wherever the mood strikes, instead of a planned route! The run ended up being 8:48 pace...yikes! That is too fast for a long run, unless my paces are getting quicker. I am going to have to see how recovery goes (I feel just fine now). The last thing I was is an injury! And...I hit 35 miles for the week...the most since the week I ran Steamtown in October! I brought Sport Beans, as I am getting into the long runs that I need to think about fuel, but I didn't need them. I drank about 20 oz from my handheld and it was perfect. I stick to water on my runs, until I get to the 20s, then I mix in some Gatorade.

As I was running, I was feeling sorry for myself that I don't have a running partner. It seems that on the message boards that I frequent everyone has a running partner. I would love to have someone to run long with on the weekends! This got me to thinking what an athletic extended family I have, hence the title of this post. Once I started thinking of it, I am so proud of us! Not many families have accomplished what we have.

I guess my Uncle Ron leads all of us. I am not sure of his official number, but he has probably run 30 marathons. He is the only family member that is local, but he is too good for me to run with! Next (and just as, if not more impressive) is his son, my cousin, Ronnie. He is an Ironman I don't know how many times over, including Kona. I have lost touch with him a bit in recent years, but he definitely amazes me with his ability and dedication. In that same family, is my cousin, Amy, and her husband, Chad. Amy has one marathon under her belt, and I know she will do more once she gives birth and recovers! Chad is a half Ironman and two-time marathoner! How's that for an athletic core family!

On the other side of my family, my cousin, Tony, is a triathlete and he and his wife, Sara, will complete their first marathon in April. I am pretty sure that Sara is moving on the triathlons after that! My sister-in-law, Lexi, is a two-time marathoner, and her husband, Greg, completed his first (and last, so he says) marathon this fall. Then, of course, there is me. I have 3 marathons under my belt and will run my 4th, Boston, in April. So I have all these people that are hard core athletes in my family, but still no running partner! Too bad that they all live far away from me. At least, I have some people to run races with!

Here is my schedule for next week:

Monday: 7 miles (I am switching Mon and Tues due to my work schedule)
Tuesday: 3 miles (last week of!)
Wednesday: 5 x 800 meters
Friday: 7 miles pace
Saturday: 10 (cutback week)


  1. I feel the same way about wanting a running partner. I don't mind the short runs, but when I'm running over an hour it would be nice to have someone to talk to. None of my friends or family are runners- maybe I need to recruit them!

  2. I hear ya! I run up to three hours by myself and there is only so much thinking one can do!
