Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 1 Recap

Well, my first week of training was fine. It was actually so easy, I don’t even feel like I am in training mode yet! I am definitely enjoying that feeling! I actually ran outside 3 times last week! I did Monday’s easy 3 miles outside, as well as Friday’s 5-mile marathon pace run outside. Surprisingly, my pace run was at 8:12. Usually when I run outside after work on a Friday, my pace is slower because of traffic and stoplights, but I think the cold made me run faster!

I did my hill workout on the treadmill. I put the incline up to 9 and ran for three minutes at 7.3. I repeated this three times with a 3 minute break in between. The total workout was 3 miles including a warm-up and cool down. It wasn’t easy, but it is definitely a harder workout running up Pringle St. Hill. It is not comparable, so I am not sure what my strategy is going to be. I don’t think I am going to worry about that yet.

I also got my long run of 10-miles on Saturday completed outside. It was very chilly! It was 18 degrees when I left in the morning. I actually contemplated waiting till the afternoon to run, but I really like to just get it out of the way first thing in the morning. With the cold weather, there is no need to get up early and beat the heat, so I headed out around 8:30 and got home about 9:50. I was dreading the run. I know runners are supposed to be tough, and 18 degrees isn’t THAT cold, but I HATE running in below freezing temps. I wore my under armour shirt (not cold gear, just a thin shirt), my Nike cold weather turtleneck, and my fleece jacket. On my legs, I just wore my Nike cold weather tights. I wore my under armour gloves and a knit hat I got from Target. I didn’t carry any water because it was only ten miles, and I didn’t want to carry cold water in my hands. The only part of my body that was cold was my face. I really want to get a balaclava, but Aaron told me that I will look totally ridiculous running around town in one and that he has never seen any runners using them. He did, however, volunteer his camouflage one that he has for hunting, and if it wasn’t fleece, I would use it! I honestly don’t care what I look like when I run. No one will know it is me anyway! I am going to research them, and probably buy one if I can get a good deal. It will be great for skiing too. Overall, it was a fine run. I finished the run at 9:02 pace, which is kind of fast for a long run, but again, it was cold, and I just wanted to get it done. Breathing the cold air gets me the most. I was up on the levee for about a half mile, and the wind was a killer! Plus, I ran over the Market and Pierce St. bridges, so my face was frozen by the time I got home.

My skin gets so red and itchy when it starts to get warm again. I just want to scratch and scratch. It’s not dry skin either. I think it is just the return of circulation. Now, I have scratch marks all over my stomach and thighs…fabulous. Thank goodness it is winter and not shorts/bathing suit season!

I decided that I really want to get the cold gear under armour. I just hate the idea of spending $50 on a shirt and $50 on tights that I will wear only for running and skiing. I wouldn’t mind spending the money on clothes I can wear to work! Surprisingly, I was cleaning out an old purse from last year, and I found two Dick’s gift cards. I called for the balances, and I have $50! I was so happy at this nice surprise. So after Christmas, I am getting my cold gear! Anything that will get be through these winter runs!

Here is my schedule for week 2. I am switching up some days, so I will have Christmas off. I will be too busy to run anyway.

Monday: 3 miles

Tuesday: 5 miles

Wednesday: 30 minute tempo run (5 min. warm-up, 20 minutes at 7.9 (7:40ish pace) on the treadmill, and 5 min. cool down )

Thursday: 5 miles

Saturday: 11 mile long run

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