Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November Mileage and other ramblings

Well, I hit 115 miles for the month of November. This is the lowest nonmarathon month I have had since December 2008. It is more than I ran last November (108), so I am happy about that. I hope this means that my body will be rested come training in a month. I have tried to just run by feel and not overdo it since Steamtown. I have been averaging about 30 miles per week, although I slacked last week because of the race. I feel strong and painfree, so hopefully, my strategy works when I start ramping up the miles. Training officially starts Dec. 14th, but the mileage is relatively low until Jan.

On another note: Diamonds kicked my butt! I was so sore after that 9-miler. I took two complete rest days afterwards. I felt like I was hit by a truck. Apparently, that mountain worked more muscles than I normally use! My core was extremely sore, which tells me I need to work on it! I added abs and plank work into my training this week to compensate!

This week also marked my return to treadmill running. I admit it, I am a baby when it comes to cold weather! Plus, it is getting dark so early, I really can't get many miles in when I get home from work. I can't run on the levee when it gets dark because it wouldn't be safe, and I really need to watch the sidewalks when I run around town. I already had two nasty falls on my early morning routes, and I don't want to add to that number! I figure as long as I keep the incline on 1% and complete my long runs outside, I will be fine. It just slightly worries me because I did alot of my NJ training on the 'mill last year, and I had a crappy race. It probably is just a coincidence. This is the first year I am going to be doing any quality workouts on the treadmill and I think it will help my training in the long run. Haha, no pun intended!

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