Monday, June 7, 2010

I've been boring lately

It has been awhile since I blogged because my running has not been that great. After my last race, I took about a week off before I attempted to run again. Since then, I have been trying to run between 25-30 miles per week and keep my long run between 8 and 10. I figure that this should maintain my base and allow me to race various distances this summer. I have my eye on the inaugural Wilkes-Barre Half Marathon on Labor Day, but that is it. I skipped my town’s Memorial Day 5-miler because the heat has really been bothering me and it was 88 that day. Plus, I feel like my speed isn’t up to par. I haven’t been doing any quality workouts, just easy runs, so I didn’t feel “race ready.” It killed me to miss it, but it was the right move.

I have been very careful since my “incident.” On very hot days, I have been running inside. However, that does not help me get acclimated to the warm temperatures. I ran 4 miles on the levee last Friday, and I really thought I was going to die! It was about 85 and sunny. I was aiming for 6, but it didn't happen, which is rare because I barely ever cut my runs short. When I reread my old posts, I really am a whiner....I complain in the winter about the cold, and now I am complaining about the heat. Now that I am off from work, I can get up early and get my runs in, which will be nice.

I think that taking it easy for a month will have a positive effect on my running. My body feels good and it is nice to not “have” to run every day (although I am trying to run 5 days per week). I was trying to talk Aaron into running the big 4th of July 3-miler and he agreed! I told him that we could run it together and I won’t burn him! He can probably run about a 24 minute 3 mile without training, so I agreed. Last year, I had a great race, but it will be nice to run together for fun. I wish he enjoyed running, so this may be a start.

Also...I have finished my 7th year of teaching! Time flies!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for taking a much needed break! I took TOO LONG of a break after my half and am now up 4 pounds. Grrrrrr.........

    I love it when my hubby runs with me on a rare race too!!!!
