It was 33 degrees this morning and it felt tropical! Finally, some decent running weather has happened in the last few days. I made it outside three times this week, and I must say, I feel pretty good about my running. In most areas of my life, I am a pretty confident person. That is not always the case in running. I think because I spend so much time running alone, so many thoughts are always going through my head (negative usually). I always think of the people who are better than me, or how everyone will be disappointed in me if I run a bad race. I tend to focus on every little pain I might feel and wonder if it's going to develop into an injury. If I look at my Garmin, and my pace is slow, I get pissed at myself and condemn myself to a bad race at Boston. I am just so sick of the mind games I play with myself. Finally, I feel awesome about my last two runs!
Yesterday, I did 9 miles at marathon pace. I am aiming for 8:20 and I did them in 8:23. This is pretty good for me. I always have a hard time hitting pace outside. Of course, I could so this same workout on the treadmill at 8:00 pace no problem, but since my race isn't on a treadmill, I never really count it the same way. To run 9 miles outside just about on pace is a great accomplishment for me! In past training cycles, I usually give up on pace runs as the mileage increases, or I do them on the treadmill (what I consider the easy way out for me). While I might have been slightly off, 8:23 is pretty darn close! I don't like to make excuses because come marathon day, anything could happen, but I ran a little bit by the river and it was WINDY! One mile was way off pace, so I am glad I hit 8:23!
That brings us to the 19 I ran this morning. The purpose of the pace run the day before the long run is to run long on tired legs. This way, come marathon day, your legs will be rested and feel really fresh. I woke up this morning, and I just did not want to run. Aaron really helped by telling me to bag the run. He told me that noone is making me do this, so if I don't want to, then don't do it. Uhh...Thanks Aaron! Way to be supportive.
Well, I was definitely running the 19 miles whether I felt like it or not. I never give up on a run. I felt like crap at first. My legs were a little tired from yesterday, and my lower back was hurting (had this problem last cycle...not good!). I felt slightly nauseous which was my own fault since I ate a banana before my run. They sometimes don't sit well in my stomach before a run, but I wanted the potassium. After a few miles, I settled into pace and felt okay. My back bothered me until the very end of the run.
I took a GU around mile 12. This is the first GU I had since the horrific NJ Marathon experience. I have been using PowerBar Gel, but when I went to get some at Dick's, they only had the 2x caffeine ones, and I like to save those for actual races, so I can feel the kick. I decided it was time to try some GU again, so I took a vanilla one and had no issues! I knew all along that my vomiting episode at NJ wasn't GUs fault, but I just use PB Gel in case. I also at 7 big sweedish fish for a total of 200 calories. I am now very careful not to let my body get depleted. I also stopped at a Turkey Hill to buy a water to refill my handheld. I probably drank around 32 oz on the run.
I ran pretty consistent miles, but I must say, the last mile really sucked. I was in pain! I could barely lift my legs up the curbs at intersections. My lower back hurt on both sides and my toes were hurting. Stupid me, shaved off a callus this week because Aaron made fun of my big toe, and I felt it today. They are there for a reason! I was about .8 away from my house and I ran by my mother-in-law's house, and I must admit, I almost stopped and asked her to drive me home! I then told myself to suck it up and get back on pace. I kept telling myself that it was mind over matter. So of course, I did it!
Now for my pace.......9:03! 19 miles at 9:03! That is a big accomplishment for me. Keep in mind that this is after my 9 at MP last night! I did all of this in the span of 18 hours. This gives me a lot of confidence going into my peak weeks.
Here is Week 11 (Peak Week 1 of 3)
Monday: 5 miles (recovery)
Tuesday: 10 miles
Wednesday: 45 tempo (probably 6ish)
Friday: 10 (not pace)
Saturday: 20
Total: 51 miles